

    Calle 31 de Agosto, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain .

    Basque Cuisine is considered one of the most internationally prestigious. Those who visit us affirm that, whether in a picnic area, restaurant, grill or cider house, the food in the Basque Country is very good.

    Traditional Basque cuisine based on the quality of its products is simple to prepare, has deep popular roots and in which seafood is the protagonist, without forgetting lean and tasty meats, products linked to the land such as beans or dairy derivatives such as cheese and curd.

    Walking through the streets of Orio you immediately see the value that gastronomy has in this town. Here and there, in secluded corners, are the grills of more than fifteen restaurants where fish and meat are grilled with charcoal.

    Grilled sea bream is the king dish at Orio.

    The elvers caught in the estuary itself, the beef, the anchovies... washed down with txakolí and local cider or Rioja wine, complete a top quality offering.


    20809, Gipuzkoa, Spain .

    More and more people and groups are looking for a more sustainable and environmentally beneficial method of mobility. The main solution for sustainable travel is public transport, providing the best option to provide a mobility service that meets both the needs of citizens and the planet.

    Public transportation is a comprehensive system of means of transportation that, through widespread use, provides solutions to people's travel needs. In our territory, public transportation includes various means of transportation such as buses, taxis, bicycles, trams and trains.

    100 meters from the house we have the train station that can take us to San Sebastián in less than 25 minutes, as well as to many points of interest on the Basque coast.



  • Museo Cristóbal Balenciaga

    Cristóbal Balenciaga Museoa, Aldamar Parkea Parkea, Getaria, Spain .

    The Balenciaga Museum is located in a new building attached to the Aldamar Palace. This Palace, located on a hill that topographically crowns Getaria, was the former residence of the Marquises of Casa Torre, grandparents of Queen Fabiola of Belgium and mentors of Balenciaga in his early career. The volumetric and structural conception of the new building that is attached to the Palace is the work of the Cuban architect Julián Argilagos.

  • Museo San Telmo

    Plaza Zuloaga, 1, 20003 Donostia-San Sebastian, Gipuzkoa .

    The San Telmo Museum, inaugurated in 1902, is the oldest in the Basque Country, a museum that today is renewed and with new objectives. Based on its collections, almost entirely related to Basque society, San Telmo has been renovated to become a Museum of Basque Society and Citizenship, whose object is Basque society. Museum and space for the dissemination of knowledge and the creation of thought.


  • SURF at Zarautz, Mundaka, Donostia-San Sebastián

    Zarautz Beach, Spain .

    Surfing occupies an important place on the Basque coasts. Not in vain, the waves of our coast are a perfect setting for all lovers of this activity. This is a highly relevant modality on the coasts of Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. On the Biscayan coast, the following beaches stand out, among others: Mundaka, Bakio, Atxabiribil, Ereaga, Laga, Gorrondatxe, Barinatxe, La Arena and La Salvaje. As for the Gipuzkoan coastline, it is worth mentioning the beaches of Zarautz, Zurriola and Gaztetape.


    Larraitz Auzoa, 11A, 20269 Abaltzisketa, Gipuzkoa .

    All the emblematic mountains of the Basque Country. Hiking is a sporting activity that allows you to enjoy nature and maintain physical fitness at the same time. It consists of taking routes through the countryside and mountains, with various levels of difficulty, and surrounded by the splendid landscape that Euskadi offers us.

    We will find a multitude of trails and paths that will allow us to choose the most appropriate route for our tastes and possibilities.

  • Albaola The Basque Maritime Factory

    De Ondartxo, Paseo Ibilbidea, Pasaia, Spain .

    With the construction of historic vessels as its main activity, Albaola La Factoría Marítima Vasca, located in Pasajes San Pedro (Pasaia, Gipuzkoa), is an innovative space where artisanal maritime technology is recovered and valued. The Factory is open to the public and is characterized by its dynamism, the diversity of its activities and its international projection.

    Shipbuilding, the international riverside carpentry school, the navigation school, the naval modeling workshop, the cabin boy's corner, the performing arts programming of the sea theater and the Auzolan volunteer group make up a creative universe that has the intention to make known the maritime past of the Basque Country.

    The Maritime Factory is the place where impossible navigations are created and from where they set sail, seeking knowledge through experimentation, thus forming part of the Basque Maritime Heritage.